
44 years old

Lives in Middlesbrough

Went out over the bank holidays and had a fun time, but most of the people we talked to were soooo drunk, guess that is why maybe dating sites are not so bad after all, at least you won't be legless reading this, well hope not!! and at least we can all get a little heads up and be kinda sure the other person isn't married.
I have a had a great life so far, only regeret I suppose is not having children, not out of choice, just hasn't happened yet, so meeting someone with children is not a problem for me.
I believe that life is for living, finding happiness where ever and in whom ever we can, I am blessed with a beautiful family and friends, now I want to find a partner that brings more happiness than stress, more thoughtfulness than selfishness and someone who luvs cuddles as much as i do, this is very important!.
My likes in music, socialising, hobbies, can vary so much, like to think i can adapt and make the most of any given situation.
I have my own business, been self employed since I was 20, so am very fortunate to have the freedom that comes with that.
I want to meet someone who thinks the glass is half full, who is grateful for all they have instead of worrying bout what they don't have, and is similar to me with a kind, caring, thoughtful, passionate heart.

Member Details

Gender: Female
Country: England
County: Middlesbrough
City/Town: Middlesbrough
Age: 44
Martial Status: Single
Body Type: About average
Can Accommodate: Yes
Can Travel: No
Smoking: No
Drinking: No

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