
27 years old

Lives in Eastbourne

Hi, I'm a twenty-four year old Polish girl who's been living in England for over five years now. I came to the UK as I wanted to learn English, which I now feel I have pretty much achieved. I'm an energetic and happy girl who has a positive outlook on life and a good sense of humour. My family and friends are very important to me. I enjoy helping people and while growing up in Poland I worked as a volunteer with disabled children and the elderly. I am very ambitious and hard working girl. I have many talents ranging from simple DIY, carpentry, flower arrangements to making evening dresses and hats. I keep myself fit by rollerblading, cycling, climbing, tried some caving too! I love motorbikes, I own two and I'm hoping to build one from scratch this winter. A day without a motorbike is a wasted day for me so you'll have to fight for my attention. I enjoy long walks by the sea, reading, theatre, a glass of wine or fine brandy. I like to always look simple but elegant so if you're looking for a designer girl with more time for shoe shops than you, I'm not your type. I like eating out but also enjoy cooking for others (I'm told I'm pretty good at it). I have a lot to give so I hope to meet a genuine soul mate who'll appreciate me as much as I'll appreciate him. I am here to find a long term relationship, not a one night stand. I consider myself an intelligent woman and I can take care of myself, I DO NOT need your money! Please do not just hotlist me, have the courage to drop a line!

Member Details

Gender: Female
Country: England
County: East Sussex
City/Town: Eastbourne
Age: 27
Martial Status: Single
Body Type: Athletic
Can Accommodate: No
Can Travel: No
Smoking: Yes
Drinking: No

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