
29 years old

Lives in Exeter

I'm 25 and a mum of two. I have my own house and car and work full time, as well as doing a university course. I hope to become a teacher- If I last the duration!
Im looking for friendship- where I can be sure Im not going to be asked to lend you £5! I love playing pool, and enjoy being in the outdoors, my ideal day would be soent on the beach, drinks at the pub and then a camping trip! Im told I am quite sarcastic, and although I think of myself as shy others dont see me that way!
Im rubbish at dancing, although I do still give it a go- hide behind your hands!
I basically want to find someone who is happy in themselves and would just like some company - I am not looking for a relationship, nor am I a tart! I genuinly only mean friends - not sure if Men are capable of that, but perhaps you can prove me wrong! I would LOVE to meet someone with a dog as I enjoy walks, and a motorbike would def be a plus point! (not too fussy then.)

Member Details

Gender: Female
Country: England
County: Devon
City/Town: Exeter
Age: 29
Martial Status:
Body Type:
Can Accommodate: Yes
Can Travel: No
Smoking: Yes
Drinking: No

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