
33 years old

Lives in Nottingham

I am me and prefer to share more through general conversation.. average smiley honest uncomplicated

Life is what you make it and I try to live it to the full. I enjoy good company and love to laugh. Honesty & Integrity are very important to me. I am a good person who always puts others first and I would love to meet someone genuine, caring & loving.
I love catching up with friends on nights out, going out for meals, going to the cinema,I adore music, all kinds, and could'nt possibly exist without it!. i am a rock/indie chick at heart. I'm a down to earth girl, independent and aim to get whatever I want .I love all kinds of music, will listen to anything really!!I can find a song to fit any mood and am constantly listening to music. I am lucky as it's my job to listen!! loving the cour****ers, band of horses, kings of leon, foo fighters, chilli peppers the list just goes on and on

The main things are I'm honest, a giggle and there's the odd bit of sarcasm in the mix too. Other than that you'll have to ask and find out for yourself

Member Details

Gender: Female
Country: England
County: Nottingham
City/Town: Nottingham
Age: 33
Martial Status: Single
Body Type: About average
Can Accommodate: Yes
Can Travel: Yes
Smoking: Yes
Drinking: Yes

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